The Acne Blues

The Vicious Cycle Of Dealing With Cystic Acne

Cystic acne develops when cysts or large bumps form underneath the skin making it quite painful. This type of acne often becomes inflamed and infects other parts of the skin causing more breakouts. Cystic acne can be more common in those with oily skin, teenagers, or those who are experiencing a hormonal imbalance. The difficulty with cystic acne is not just because it causes discomfort and and emotional distress but it also can continue on and on and on. Many people who deal with cystic acne, turn to covering up with make up which often cause break outs to spread or become more infected. Others frantically try new products which can also cause more irritation. Ultimately, they get caught up in a vicious cycle.

In Chinese Medicine the formation of cystic acne can be described as a stagnation of phlegm, or fluids that are trapped in an inappropriate place in the body which then cause heat and inflammation. This is why it is recommended to reduce the intake of mucus producing foods like dairy or greasy foods. Often times skin problems surface due to digestive issues therefore eating foods to help calm your digestion can be a huge help. Balancing hormones can feel tricky but we do know that stress causes an upset in your hormonal balance so try slowing down and meditating. Another way our hormones can be affected is by our foods and environment. Cutting down on overly processed foods and other endocrine disrupters can help.

I have personally struggled with cystic acne as an adult and the Celluma LED has been fast-acting and successful in my case. In the past I have tried antibiotics, birth control, various different products, expensive facials and even cortisone shots. I know that dealing with cystic acne can be so disheartening which is why it has been important to me as an acupuncturist and herbalist to find tools that can help treat it. Studies have shown that the blue wavelength in the LED panel can kill acne causing bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes, or P. acnes, which collects in the pores causing breakouts. Blue light penetrates below the skin’s surface where cystic acne and bacteria develops. For cystic acne cases, a single treatment can help to reduce inflammation but a consistent series of treatments is recommended to get sufferers out of the vicious cycle.

How Does LED Work On The Body?

Low level light therapy or photobiomodulation is the use of specific wavelengths of light energy on the skin to treat certain conditions. Research has shown that the application of light emitting diodes (LED) to skin can improve circulation, accelerate tissue repair, kill acne causing bacteria, improve complexion, reduce inflammation as well as easing muscles pain, joint stiffness, and arthritis. The cells in the human body absorb the light and transform it into cellular energy, ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The increase of production of ATP allows the body to be more efficient in cellular metabolism and repairing and regenerating cellular components. This means, when it comes to skin, fibroblasts will increase the production of collagen and elastin.

Here are somethings you should know about LED treatments at Emily Grace Acupuncture:

  • I use a Celluma LED light panel in my practice, which is cleared by the FDA for the use of pain management and skincare.

  • This is a very safe, non invasive, painless and relaxing treatment. There is no recovery or downtime involved.

  • Treatment time is 30 minutes in which you lay down with the Celluma panel over the area that is being treated.

  • The area being treated should be free of clothing, make up and lotions containing SPF.

  • For cystic acne a recommended treatment plan is 2-3x a week for 2-3 weeks. Some may need more, and some may need less.

  • LED treatments are also effective in improving overall skin tone and complexion, wound healing, aches and pains, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and arthritis.

  • A 30 min LED session is $65.

Book your LED session today

By Emily Grace Siy, L.Ac.

Photo by Greg Rowe


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