5 Chinese Herbs To Improve Sleep

Fu Shen/Fu Ling

Insomnia or poor sleep can show up in many different ways. Some people have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, waking frequently or waking too early. Maybe you experience all of these issues. This is for educational purposes. Do not take anything you’re not familiar with. Many of these herbs are used in a formula and they are not meant to be taken as a single herb remedy, even if you see them marketed as such. When herbs are put together in a formula, they will enhance each others functions while also protecting your digestion and modifying harsher properties of other herbs in the formula. Chinese formulas are meant to be adjusted for your individual condition.

Suan Zao Ren, Sour Jujube seed. This herb is used in formulas that help to calm irritability, over heating and night sweating that is associated with insomnia, anxiety or heart palpitations. It has the ability to astringe due to its sour nature. This is not meant for excess conditions, especially with heat and should not be used during pregnancy. Not appropriate for those who have diarrhea.

Wu Wei Zi, Schisandra fructus. This herb can be found in formulas for coughing as well as insomnia. It is known for its ability to tonify the Kidneys in Chinese Medicine. You will find this in formulas for those who experience dream disturbed sleep, heart palpitations and anxiety. This herb is not meant for those who have early stage cough associated with fever, heat conditions or are prone to acid reflux. This can interact with certain medications and should only be used under guidance of an experienced herbalist.

Gui Zhi

Fu Ling, Poria. This is a fungus that is commonly found in many different herbal formulas. It is often used in formulas for insomnia because of its ability to help the Spleen process stuck fluids in order to drain out dampness or phlegm. Fluid accumulation can cause mental fogginess or digestive issues that can disturb sleep.

Gui Zhi, Cassia Cinnamon Twig. This herb is used in formulas when there is a problem with Yang Qi. It’s great for those with poor circulation, tends towards running cold accompanied by shortness of breath and heart palpitations. This should not be used with certain diuretic medications.

Ba Zi Ren, Aborvitae Seed. This seed is commonly found in formulas for deficiency conditions that cause palpitations, anxiety and overactive dreaming that affect sleep. These conditions can also be accompanied by constipation and or night sweating. This herb should not be used for those who have certain digestive issues.

Diagnosing insomnia patterns in Chinese Medicine can be complicated and should be done by an experienced Chinese Medicine provider. Herbs used in formulas for insomnia are not sedatives or meant to make you sleepy. They work in concert with other herbs in order to correct your imbalances. If you’re struggling with sleep be sure to speak with your acupuncturist or herbalist about it!

Written by Dr. Emily Siy, DACM 7/22/24

Cover photo Photo by Anna Pou via PEXELS

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