5 Reasons You Might Cry During Acupuncture

  1. Acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins, serotonin, natural pain killers and other neurotransmitters, which can have a profound effect on emotions. Suppressed feelings can come to the surface during the treatment and manifest as tears or other emotions.

  2. Because acupuncture promotes relaxation and for some, a sense of vulnerability, as you lay still, being more present with yourself. This state can allow unresolved emotions or feelings to surface.

  3. One of the special parts of receiving acupuncture here, in the West, is that your acupuncturist spends time talking with you about your conditions and health history. This is meant to allow you space to fully express your concerns, connect with you and learn how to make your healing process more comfortable. Having someone discuss and listen to you is often extremely meaningful and therapeutic if you’ve experienced otherwise in your healthcare journey. Being able to speak about things that other health providers have deemed unremarkable but feel important to you, can often lead to a relief that comes in the form of tears.

  4. Because acupuncture is known for its ability to release natural painkillers in the body, those who experience relief from chronic pain or long-standing physical issues, when receiving acupuncture can also feel an impact on their emotional self. We sometimes forget how what the physical body experiences, also effect our emotions and spirit. Crying is sometimes a way of letting go of the part of yourself that was in pain or unwell.

  5. One of acupuncture’s goals is to restore balance between the mind, body and spirit. Due to societal constraints and obligations we can sometimes forget to tend to our spirits, until acupuncture restores intention to that part of you, which can cause an emotional release as you adjust to re-visiting that part of yourself again.

One shouldn’t always expect to cry during or after acupuncture. It is not very common, but it’s also not uncommon. It’s something that often happens when it needs to. Many acupuncturists consider this to be a sign of the treatment's therapeutic effects. Everything in the body is interrelated. The body has emotional intelligence. Most acupuncturists are familiar with this process and are prepared to hold space for you. If you have concerns about your emotional response during acupuncture, it's always a good idea to discuss them with your acupuncturist for further guidance and support. It is also important to work with a licensed therapist for your mental and emotional well being for longer standing support.

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