Chakra Balancing With Bija Mantras

The Bija Mantras Are The Sounds Of The Chakras

Mantra, chants or sounds can help activate certain channels, energy centers, or chakras in the body. Bija (pronounced BEEJ) means seed. The Bija Mantras are one syllable sounds that are meant to activate the chakras along the center line of the body, or the 7 main chakras. Sounds or vibrations can help to leverage or activate qi or energy. As with many ancient practices, I have seen this taught in several different ways. What I love about this practice is that the sounds/chants make it easy for your body to get into a meditative state. Many students report seeing colors or feeling blissful when doing this meditation.

Please begin sitting comfortably. I often meditate seated in a chair. Make sure that you’re able to sit up straight and tall and that you sitting bones are grounded.

Breathe deeply into your body so that you can let go of your day. This meditation is best done with the eyes closed. Complete approximately 3-5 full and complete breaths before beginning.

Bring your attention to each chakra location as chant the associated bija mantra to its associated location/chakra 3x’s as listed below:

LAM (LUM) Red Root Chakra

VAM (VUM) Orange Sacral Chakra

RAM (RUM) Yellow. Solar Plexus Chakra

YAM (YUM) Green Heart Chakra

HAM (HUM) Blue Throat Chakra

OM (OM) Indigo Third Eye Chakra

Silence (OM) Purple Crown Chakra

At the crown, feel your energy rise up and out of the crown reaching upwards beyond, beyond. Stay here in silence for as long as you feel comfortable. Then slowly bring your attention back down to each location crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacrum and root.

Ground your energy down through your hips and/or your feet. Slowly open your eyes when you’re ready to come back into the room.


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